Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Path of Love: Oh What a Weekend!!!

This blog has been many days in the making now, because it has taken some time for me to process our very special yoga intensive weekend we had here at the end of February. I also spent some time talking to the fellow yogis who joined me for all or part of Christina Sell's PATH OF LOVE: A Weekend Yoga Intensive, finding out how their experience was so that I can share it with everybody.

The overall consensus was AMAZING!

Christina Sell, master yoga teacher, author, all-around great human, came in from Texas to guest teach here at the studio for a full weekend. It was 10 hours of yoga all together, which started on Friday night and went through Sunday evening.

On Friday night, the 2 hour workshop focused on pranayama, meditation and hips. From the moment the students arrived, there was the most beautiful energy in the studio. It was a packed house (the entire weekend was pretty much 'sold out', which meant there was about 4 inches between each mat and the entire studio was filled). I was struck by the wide range of yoga practitioners in the room; from advanced yoga teachers, to folks who are new to yoga and a few people with current injuries sprinkled in. I of course was wondering how Christina was going to handle this wide range of levels and I hoped it wouldn't be too tough for some or too easy for others. I must say, it was just right! We all felt completely included, capable and most of all...tremendously inspired.

Saturday was just as wonderful. We all spent an afternoon being guided through a sequence of poses that were so filled with bliss, enlightenment and shri! Oh and of course, lots of laughter! Christina always brings humor and levity to her classes, making for a fun ride through challenging yoga.

A few of us went to dinner on Saturday night and were all bragging about our profoundly open hips and groins!

On Sunday came a 3-hour practice. One of our most beloved students who regularly attends the Jade Apple would have been too hot for words - because we got the studio up to a very steamy temperature during this yoga class. A practice is a special time when the teacher roles out her mat & takes the class, alongside the students. It is a very special time to feel the respect and love for the teacher and it is also time to WOW out at the teachers rockin' practice!

After that class, many of us were in a blissful state of exhaustion. I know several yogis had to run from the class to get to various Oscar parties. A few of us enjoyed snacks on the patio out back (see the pic above, our post-practice faces are funny!). Then, perhaps my favorite part of the weekend, Christina sat down with us for a casual and amazing chat. She talked about her book, actually about both of her books. We got to hear about body image and how yoga works to enhance and heal bad body image. She was so open and so honest, which is one of the things I respect most about this woman. Her courage, her insight and of course her humor are completely inspiring.

All of the teachers who attended the workshop have been teaching classes since then from an incredible place of love, service and deep gratitude. In was such an expansive weekend for us all. The students have been practicing with new levels of appreciation and deeper awareness. And I have been profoundly inspired by the incredible energy that is still buzzing about in the studio from that transforming experience!

Sorry you missed it?

I hope to invite Christina to come back and visit us again. She felt so right here, doing yoga. That's what happens here. We come and do yoga. And it's great!

A side note about SUN CAFE : We were all addicted to Kale Shakes from Sun Cafe throughout the weekend! Oh Kale Shakes, where would we be without you?