Friday, July 22, 2011

Babies on Board!

We have so many beautiful & kind students in our community, it's always a joy to see the smiling faces, open hearts and divine light shining through everyone. But some of our most adorable students come to one class in particular - Me n' Mommy Yoga on Fridays!

It is such a joy to see the tiny humans who come in with their parents on Friday mornings. The big, expressive eyes - filled with wonder and newness - remind us all what a miraculous experience it is to be NEW.

These tiny babies; with the small fingers, the intoxicating baby scent & their tiny little socks remind us of the possibilities life has to offer. A newborn baby has so much to learn, experience & seek during their lifetime. Those of us who have reached adulthood often forget the joys of learning something brand new. We don't remember what life was like before words, before money, before responsibility. The freedom we once had to start with a clean slate, getting to make choices and form ourselves as human beings is easily forgotten when we are adults.

But babies can remind us that we do still always have choices. We can always make the choice to be new, to look at life through the eyes of a newborn - experiencing everything with curiosity and fun - having high hopes and low expectations. This outlook will help us to find the joy in simple things.

Thanks to the babies for choosing to practice yoga. They leave that new energy and remind us all of the possibilities yet to come.

Go baby, go!

Friday, July 15, 2011

If Nothing Changed, There'd Be No Butterflies!

There's a small plaque in the office with this wonderful phrase on it. The metaphorphosis of the caterpillar into butterfly is such a beautiful, powerful image that many of us can relate to for all kinds of transformation.

When we are in the cocoon, it can be a dark & uncertain place. We are looking inward, working on ourselves - really experiencing change. The caterpillar knows when it's time to create the cocoon, but she has no idea what the final outcome will be. She uses her instinct and trusts in the universe.

Sometimes, we get scared. We know things are changing, but we have no idea what awaits us on the other side of the change. If you are afraid...if things are up in the air...if your world is becoming almost unrecognizable...acknowledge to yourself that you may be in the midst of a transformation.

And then remember the butterfly. It's beautiful colors, expansive wings & breathtaking beauty.

Let yourself work through your transformation, trusting the universe, knowing that soon you will spread your wings and embrace your new self.

Friday, July 8, 2011

reVITALize yourself!

The definition of the word VITAL is, "existing as a manifestation of life".

Those of us on the path of yoga, come to find an awareness and a connection deep within ourselves that becomes a vital part of our lives. Yoga becomes like food or water - something vital to our experience on this earth!

Some of us are away from yoga for a period of time, or we have strayed from our regular practice. Coming back to that practice will bring new life to our bodies, minds & spirits. A revitalization occurs when we connect to the divine that resides within.

Doesn't that sound good? Meet yourself at your mat today, and discover your own neccesity for life - the vital need of a yoga practice.