Thursday, February 10, 2011

What a BEAUTIFUL Challenge!!!!!!

Way to go for all our Jade Apple Yoga Challengers - who committed themselves to yoga-a-day for 30 days!!!

I think I speak for all of us challengers when I say that there were certainly ups, downs and savasanas in between!

Some of us had to change the initial commitment and could not get 30 classes in 30 days in a row - due to injuries or life in general. The challenge enabled some of us to modify the commitment and to stick to taking 30 classes in 40 days or something like that.

One of our challengers, Nathan Anderson, actually went beyond 30 classes and managed to complete 43 classes in just 30 days!!! WAY TO GO, Nathan. (It's interesting to know that Nathan was gearing himself up for a 2 month journey to India for teacher training. We are wishing him all the very best on that journey and hope his 43 classes prepared him!)

Another of our lovely challengers, Keelia, is so inspired by this journey that she has committed to doing 60 classes in 60 days. On some days, she is unable to come in to the studio for her yoga. On those days, she practices on her own.

Sara & Todd joined our challenge about 10 days later than the rest, so they are working their ways to completion now.

Karen completed her 30 days and felt 'at home' in her body with the practice.

As for two of us, Jenny & me, injuries stopped us short of 30 days in a row. Yoga has been a crucially helpful journey on the road to recovery from our ailments (injuries sustained by doing REAL LIFE things without proper alignment!). The humility and courage to admit ones own humanness and to listen to the body when it says it needs a break....this is just as important as anything else on the challenge.

If you have some time, stop by the office. Our yoga challenge tracking sheets are hanging on the wall for people to look at - including the section on "how we felt", which is a 1 word description of the feelings we had after the class on that day.

Congratulations to all of our challengers. It was a beautiful experience for everyone! Way to go Sara and Todd who are getting near 30 and positivity and light to Keelia as she goes for month 2.


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