Monday, June 27, 2011

Go ahead...Do NOTHING!

Work. School. Dating. Exercise. Family.

We all have more things to do than we can actually get done at any given time in our very busy lives. And most of us forget to do one very important thing - Nothing.

Do nothing, otherwise known as relaxation, can be a crucial aspect to our sanity and our health. Rarely do we remember to take the time to just sit, whether it be in a hip opening yoga posture or just in a chair.

Yoga gives us a chance to practice the art of doing nothing. When we practice our asana, physical yoga, we put ourselves in poses that will take us down the path of being present. In the present, we don't have to do anything. We can just be.

As the saying goes, we are human beings...not human doings.

Come on in for a class, or just find a quiet space and take a little time to do nothing. The benefits will be vast and plentiful.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Building Confidence Through Yoga!

Shorts....Tank Tops....Yellow Polka Dot Bikinis....Summertime can leave us feeling less than confident about our physical selves.

Through yoga, we can build our own self confidence. Practicing strength in poses helps us build the confidence we need to find our fullest expression. Rooting our energy, grounding and extending, engaging in muscle energy - these physical aspects can inspire an inner bliss and empowerment.

Finding your confidence comes from within. Having sculpted abs or really tan and buff arms may make your summer wardrobe look good and will make you feel good about your physical self - but feeling a deep sense of true ownership for your life and embracing exactly who, what and where you are in this moment - that is true confidence.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


It is that time again...Summertime!

We celebrated the summer solstice here at the studio on Tuesday with 54 Sun Salutations in Karen's 4:30 class. The students were all incredible with their focus, dedication and perseverance. It was an impressive feat for us all - and was a beautiful way to kick summer into gear. It brought every students attention to their body. Summer is the perfect time to pay attention!

Summertime means bright colors, warm weather, more daylight. People buzz with energy and our bodies crave movement. Yoga is the perfect balance of physical exertion and mental centeredness. It is easy to get distracted and tired by the heat of the season. Yoga helps restore balance and provides mental clarity.

Incredible author and teacher, Christina Sell, talks about paying attention to the body and says, "In the practice of yoga we develop a set of communication skills that deepen our ability to pay attention - to speak, to listen and to respond to the sensations of the body. This practice of communicating with the body and the mind, creating union, or "yoga".

Let's all make the commitment to pay attention to the body this summer. We can do that by enjoying a day at the beach, an evening stroll, a summer concert in the park, an afternoon in the pool, and by practicing yoga. Deepening our commitment to our own personal yoga practice will create the union and make us whole.

Summer gives us opportunities, unending...