Friday, July 15, 2011

If Nothing Changed, There'd Be No Butterflies!

There's a small plaque in the office with this wonderful phrase on it. The metaphorphosis of the caterpillar into butterfly is such a beautiful, powerful image that many of us can relate to for all kinds of transformation.

When we are in the cocoon, it can be a dark & uncertain place. We are looking inward, working on ourselves - really experiencing change. The caterpillar knows when it's time to create the cocoon, but she has no idea what the final outcome will be. She uses her instinct and trusts in the universe.

Sometimes, we get scared. We know things are changing, but we have no idea what awaits us on the other side of the change. If you are afraid...if things are up in the air...if your world is becoming almost unrecognizable...acknowledge to yourself that you may be in the midst of a transformation.

And then remember the butterfly. It's beautiful colors, expansive wings & breathtaking beauty.

Let yourself work through your transformation, trusting the universe, knowing that soon you will spread your wings and embrace your new self.

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