Wednesday, December 21, 2011

YOGA CARNIVAL 2011...What a show!!!

There is really only one word to fully describe our Yoga Carnival last Saturday night......WOW!

It was quite an evening - filled with good food, a live band, reiki, henna & fortune telling - and a show that was spectacular!

For all who joined us for the celebration, you will love checking out the pictures. I've posted a few in this blog. For more pics, go to our Facebook page and enjoy them!

And for those of you who weren't able to join us, I hope these pics will make you smile and make certain you come next year.

It was my dream to put together a terrific evening for all our students, family & friends to enjoy. I am blessed to have many talented friends and I'm lucky enough that they performed and shared their talents with our community.

Nasila, who danced Egyptian style belly dancing and Saidi cane dance, was spectacular as always. I know the women who take belly dance with me were super exciting to see the dance in action, in it's amazing state!

And then we had Aubre join us for the late evening show - who dazzled us with Middle Eastern Fusion Style dancing - and awed us all with her isolations and her flowing grace. Her ladies danced a drum solo that was awesome and encouraging to all aspiring dancers!

Meryem Vani and her love trio was so fun and filled with dance-drama. Eve and David were wonderful for our later evening show.

We moved into India with yoga and dance: featuring a fantastic impromptu demo of partner yoga poses with our wonderful apples, Danny and Nathan! These two men inspired us all to work harder in class. When Sakuntula performed her South Indian Classical Dance number, we all felt the playfulness and fun of India.

Brigid & Sunny, my new favorite fire eaters, brought a gorgeous show to our studio. Not only did they eat fire, but they showed us how seductive and beautiful fire can be as they danced with it. I will say that I was totally prepared to grab the fire extinguisher at a moment's notice - but these two performers know their fire and were just wonderful.

Last, but not in any way least, was Tales. Oh Tales. From 1-armed handstands, crazy arm balances, flips and turns - to sliding and spinning on his head; Tales had every single jaw in the audience dropped with wonder and amazement as he performed.

Rumor has it he's going to teach an Arm Balance workshop here next spring. I dare you to try it!

Thanks so much to our fabulous band, Empty Caverns. They played two sets out back and were just wonderful. And thanks to our reiki healers, our henna artist, our fortune teller

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