Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yoga to Make the Clouds Disappear!

It's a gloomy June morning here in NoHo. Feels like a "marine layer", but we're not so close to the ocean.

Overcast and grey days make our moods sullen and quiet. But it's summer and we all tend to have an energy buzzing within us!

An invigorating, opening yoga class will burn off that grey and make your inner body bright!!!

I'm sitting at my desk, doing paperwork and updating web stuff. Want I really want to do is go in the studio and get a little flow going, so I can make my grey day disappear.

Join me, won't you?



Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Dad's challenge

My dear dad, whom most of you have had the pleasure to meet, has created a fun challenge and is getting others to do it with him!

He's committed to take every single class at The Jade Apple. That means bellydancing, too!

I am hoping to get him to blog about his experience as he goes along. It will be fun to hear about the progrees.

If you want to take on this challenge with him, send me an email. He's excited to get people to join him on his summer quest.

Happy Summer Day!

Days go by so quickly!

All the teachers have been saluting the sun so much the past few days since the solstice, that the energy in the studio is buzzing!

It's so interesting to see our students change their normal yoga times as school gets out and the summer heat builds. People we normally see coming at 4:30 and 6:30 are now here early in the morning.

Changing up your yoga 'habits' can be extremely beneficial to your overall practice. If you get a chance, try a teacher you haven't had before or a time of day you've never practiced. See how your body feels, how your mind reacts and if your spirit finds freedom!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Solstice..a post a day!

My summer solstice promise is to blog about The Jade Apple every day for summer!

Monday was the summer solstice, which is the longest day of the year. It's so exciting to be in the studio at 8:30pm and see that it's still light outside.

Summer is fun for us all. It is especially important during the summer to take time to relax and center ourselves, too.

In honor of the summer solstice, Karen did 54 sun salutations in her 4:30 ESSENTIALS class! What a physical workout that was!!!

Starting today, Tuesday, my dad has taken on the "Julia Challenge" at the studio. What does it mean? Well, he's going to take every single class that's on the schedule! That includes belly dancing, of course. He's looking for other students to join him on this summer quest to accomplish taking all the classes! Anyone who reaches this goal will get their name and picture up on the the shape of an apple of course.

I'll keep you posted on how that goes.
