Wednesday, January 12, 2011


What a fun, delightful evening we had here at The Jade Apple!

We kicked off the holidays with a Yoga Carnival here on December 11th and had a blast. From reiki, facials, massage & tarot readings to belly dancing, acro yoga and live music...the Apple was jumping!

And then there was the absolutely incredible LISIMA - A live Gypsy band - making melodies & fun out back.

For those of you who joined us, and for those who missed it, I'll walk you through the carnival.

The red fabric banners welcomed you into the studio, which was transformed into a beautiful holiday delight thanks to my dad (wonderful designer & drapery man). It was spectacular to see the colors and billowing beauty that flowed throughout our space...both inside and out!

After entering, you had many choices. Signing up for one of the special treatments; reiki, massage, facials & tarot. We had truly extraordinary people providing the services and they were all, in a word, YUMMY.

And then into the studio, with a makeshift stage area that featured a myriad of performances. Jennelah performed a Middle Eastern number (that's ME, using my belly dance name), Gigi & Chelsey gave us wonderful Acro-Yoga demonstrations, Sakuntula performed a stunning classical Indian dance & Danny and Nathan WOW'ed us with their partner yoga skills and cool tricks!

Onto the outdoor patio, it was time for food and libations. Sunpower Cafe provided delectible raw vegan treats for us. Chelsey baked vegan brownies that were simply outta this world and several of our students brought dishes that were wonderful! Warm pear cider and a little vino heated our insides and our lovely Lara donated drinks on behalf of Farmscape.

And then the band started to play. Funky, unique & really lively! Everyone was enjoying the music...and some were dancing. We had a couple of amazing ladies perform with the band, including my gorgeous friend Akasha Starr - belly dancer & yoga teacher.

All in all, it was a magical evening. I was thrilled by how much fun everyone had. If you weren't able to make it, I hope to do something this amazing again.

Yoga Carnival...yeah!!!


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