Monday, December 12, 2011

'Tis the Season!

Guess I've been a little lax on blogging. It's too bad because I have been filled with the joy and beauty of yoga!

The end of a cycle is fast-approaching. December 22nd is the winter solstice, which means we are coming to the close of a season and the end of a cycle.

It is also the end of the year - which brings parties and family festivities. It also brings busy schedules and sometimes can create hectic times for us. This time of year is the most important time for a deep and consistent yoga practice.

But maybe our schedules are super busy and we sacrifice some of the time we usually set aside for a yoga practice. It happens. And when it happens, we can always breathe. Just breathe.


Our big holiday celebration, YOGA CARNIVAL, is this Saturday from 7 to 10pm. Lots of food, plus reiki, henna tattoos, LIVE MUSIC and an incredible Variety Show with dancing and dazzling acts of all kinds!

It's my gift to each of you. Please join us.

Sending you lots of love and deep breaths!

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