Saturday, November 6, 2010

FALL in to YOGA!

Fall is here....or is it?

I ordered tea the other day, but soon realized that no one is really interested in a warm, cozy cup of tea when it's 98 degrees outside!!!

It's been a beautiful few weeks here at the studio. With all the new students we have coming in these days, the energy feels refreshed and exciting. Every time a student completes their very first yoga class, I love to see their wonderful glow and feel their inspired sense of self.

Oh....and did I mention that apples are back again?

I took a trip to Oak Glen (in Riverside amazing day trip!) and picked apples! Small, green & bursting with flavor. It's the perfect post-practice treat.

Come on by and grab one today. And let's all enjoy this wonderful warm Autumn!

In Kindness,


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Fun Never Ends at Lululemon in Glendale!

We have had so much fun at Lululemon Athletica this month.....from Partner Poses to Office Yoga to Yoga for Weight Loss & Handstands Galore!

Last weekend, Chelsey & Jenn had some fun demonstrating quick & simple ways to stretch & center yourself when you are sitting at a desk all day. Danny showed customers & the adorable Lululemon ladies how to change your life, one handstand at a time!

The fun continues this weekend : Saturday WendyO will be on hand from 1-3pm to demonstrate Strong Yoga 4Women, which helps women through fertility, menopause, hormonal & all things related to the wonderful world of being female!

On Sunday, Marti Jo teaches a 9:30am Flow class on the lawn at the Americana....for FREE! Come on down and support her.

Then Karen Byers will be in the store, setting people up in yummy Restorative Yoga poses....and discussing the numerous benefits to this kind of relaxation!

It's ALL fun and games with The Jade Apple, as we finish off National Yoga Month with Lululemon!


Friday, September 3, 2010

National Yoga Month!!!

Yoga month is here! So many wonderful things are brewing at The Jade Apple to celebrate an entire month devoted to yoga.

Our teachers and students have created a list of 108 Reasons to do Yoga. This list is funny, uplifting, beautiful and inspiring! Each day, I'm posting different reasons on Twitter and Facebook and I really love reading each one.

We are starting our month long Lululemon activities! The Jade Apple is STUDIO of the MONTH and we're doing our best to fill it with free classes, exciting in-store demos and lots of LOVE for Lulu!!!

Try to check back in to the blog throughout the month. I promise to make every effort possible to update it frequently.

Love & Yoga to you!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yoga to Make the Clouds Disappear!

It's a gloomy June morning here in NoHo. Feels like a "marine layer", but we're not so close to the ocean.

Overcast and grey days make our moods sullen and quiet. But it's summer and we all tend to have an energy buzzing within us!

An invigorating, opening yoga class will burn off that grey and make your inner body bright!!!

I'm sitting at my desk, doing paperwork and updating web stuff. Want I really want to do is go in the studio and get a little flow going, so I can make my grey day disappear.

Join me, won't you?



Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Dad's challenge

My dear dad, whom most of you have had the pleasure to meet, has created a fun challenge and is getting others to do it with him!

He's committed to take every single class at The Jade Apple. That means bellydancing, too!

I am hoping to get him to blog about his experience as he goes along. It will be fun to hear about the progrees.

If you want to take on this challenge with him, send me an email. He's excited to get people to join him on his summer quest.

Happy Summer Day!

Days go by so quickly!

All the teachers have been saluting the sun so much the past few days since the solstice, that the energy in the studio is buzzing!

It's so interesting to see our students change their normal yoga times as school gets out and the summer heat builds. People we normally see coming at 4:30 and 6:30 are now here early in the morning.

Changing up your yoga 'habits' can be extremely beneficial to your overall practice. If you get a chance, try a teacher you haven't had before or a time of day you've never practiced. See how your body feels, how your mind reacts and if your spirit finds freedom!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Solstice..a post a day!

My summer solstice promise is to blog about The Jade Apple every day for summer!

Monday was the summer solstice, which is the longest day of the year. It's so exciting to be in the studio at 8:30pm and see that it's still light outside.

Summer is fun for us all. It is especially important during the summer to take time to relax and center ourselves, too.

In honor of the summer solstice, Karen did 54 sun salutations in her 4:30 ESSENTIALS class! What a physical workout that was!!!

Starting today, Tuesday, my dad has taken on the "Julia Challenge" at the studio. What does it mean? Well, he's going to take every single class that's on the schedule! That includes belly dancing, of course. He's looking for other students to join him on this summer quest to accomplish taking all the classes! Anyone who reaches this goal will get their name and picture up on the the shape of an apple of course.

I'll keep you posted on how that goes.


Friday, April 30, 2010

The Wind is Good Advertising!

The winds have really been strong and rather unyielding here in NoHo for the past couple days!

Last night, I went to the front of the studio to bring in the welcome mat from the front, only to find it missing. I was dismayed to think that someone came by and stole my little round mat from the front of the studio...but where could it have gone?

I looked down the road about 30 feet and found it lying in the street. The wind had picked the mat up and carried it down the way. How unusual!

In the same vein, I put the sandwich board out front yesterday morning - as I do each morning. About an hour into the day, I saw bright green rectangles fly in front of the office window. The schedules which usually hang alongside the sign were blowing down the street. I hope no one got a face filled of The Jade Apple. But hey, it's good advertising. Getting the word out, whatever it takes!

The wind is wonderful for our clean air here in the valley. And it is nice to have a little weather. I just hope all the little baby oranges that are starting to grow on my orange tree do not fall off from this harsh weather.

Until next time...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Keeping a Calm Yoga Mind with The Phone Company!

Yoga helps with so many things. Breathing, relaxation, remaining present and open. These handy tools can help when life's little frustrations come about.

The phone and DSL company here at The Jade Apple has given me offered me a fantastic challenge! From the hours spent holding on the phone & then explaining the issues over and over again, to time spent waiting for the technician - who ultimately never shows up and then reschedules; I have been given a chance to use the tools of yoga.

Sometimes they work better than others. :)

For today, rather than freaking out and getting upset because I can't get the internet to work in the studio, I am going to remember to breathe deep and to take a moment to relax.

And then I am going to head into the studio and put myself in a nice down dog until I feel calm.

Thank goodness we have so many classes on the schedule for today!

Taking care of myself with yoga hopefully means peace & happiness for AT&T!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Jade Apple...Welcome to the family!

I love blogging. It brings people in to what's happening. It gives me an outlet to express myself when a yoga class is going on in the studio and I can't talk!

This blog is going to be for our local yoga community here at The Jade Apple...a yoga studio in NoHo.

I'll do my best to update it as often as possible. Please feel free to leave messages & add comments as much as you can!

And are awesome.

Now come on in to the studio and get some yoga!



The Jade Apple