Wednesday, December 21, 2011

YOGA CARNIVAL 2011...What a show!!!

There is really only one word to fully describe our Yoga Carnival last Saturday night......WOW!

It was quite an evening - filled with good food, a live band, reiki, henna & fortune telling - and a show that was spectacular!

For all who joined us for the celebration, you will love checking out the pictures. I've posted a few in this blog. For more pics, go to our Facebook page and enjoy them!

And for those of you who weren't able to join us, I hope these pics will make you smile and make certain you come next year.

It was my dream to put together a terrific evening for all our students, family & friends to enjoy. I am blessed to have many talented friends and I'm lucky enough that they performed and shared their talents with our community.

Nasila, who danced Egyptian style belly dancing and Saidi cane dance, was spectacular as always. I know the women who take belly dance with me were super exciting to see the dance in action, in it's amazing state!

And then we had Aubre join us for the late evening show - who dazzled us with Middle Eastern Fusion Style dancing - and awed us all with her isolations and her flowing grace. Her ladies danced a drum solo that was awesome and encouraging to all aspiring dancers!

Meryem Vani and her love trio was so fun and filled with dance-drama. Eve and David were wonderful for our later evening show.

We moved into India with yoga and dance: featuring a fantastic impromptu demo of partner yoga poses with our wonderful apples, Danny and Nathan! These two men inspired us all to work harder in class. When Sakuntula performed her South Indian Classical Dance number, we all felt the playfulness and fun of India.

Brigid & Sunny, my new favorite fire eaters, brought a gorgeous show to our studio. Not only did they eat fire, but they showed us how seductive and beautiful fire can be as they danced with it. I will say that I was totally prepared to grab the fire extinguisher at a moment's notice - but these two performers know their fire and were just wonderful.

Last, but not in any way least, was Tales. Oh Tales. From 1-armed handstands, crazy arm balances, flips and turns - to sliding and spinning on his head; Tales had every single jaw in the audience dropped with wonder and amazement as he performed.

Rumor has it he's going to teach an Arm Balance workshop here next spring. I dare you to try it!

Thanks so much to our fabulous band, Empty Caverns. They played two sets out back and were just wonderful. And thanks to our reiki healers, our henna artist, our fortune teller

Monday, December 12, 2011

'Tis the Season!

Guess I've been a little lax on blogging. It's too bad because I have been filled with the joy and beauty of yoga!

The end of a cycle is fast-approaching. December 22nd is the winter solstice, which means we are coming to the close of a season and the end of a cycle.

It is also the end of the year - which brings parties and family festivities. It also brings busy schedules and sometimes can create hectic times for us. This time of year is the most important time for a deep and consistent yoga practice.

But maybe our schedules are super busy and we sacrifice some of the time we usually set aside for a yoga practice. It happens. And when it happens, we can always breathe. Just breathe.


Our big holiday celebration, YOGA CARNIVAL, is this Saturday from 7 to 10pm. Lots of food, plus reiki, henna tattoos, LIVE MUSIC and an incredible Variety Show with dancing and dazzling acts of all kinds!

It's my gift to each of you. Please join us.

Sending you lots of love and deep breaths!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yoga...In a Word!

September is National Yoga Month. That means creating awareness of yoga and trying to get people off the couch and onto the mat!

In honor of the celebration of our favorite thing...YOGA...our Jade Apple Teachers & Sevas each spent time contemplating what yoga is to them, in just a word.

It is often the simplest ideas that are the most meaningful. To take all the reasons and rewards we each receive in yoga and boil it down to one word can take on a profound exploration for the core of yoga.

These words are delightful to contemplate. Come on by the studio over the next few weeks and see some of these words pop up around the space.


I'd love to hear what words resonate with you?


Friday, July 22, 2011

Babies on Board!

We have so many beautiful & kind students in our community, it's always a joy to see the smiling faces, open hearts and divine light shining through everyone. But some of our most adorable students come to one class in particular - Me n' Mommy Yoga on Fridays!

It is such a joy to see the tiny humans who come in with their parents on Friday mornings. The big, expressive eyes - filled with wonder and newness - remind us all what a miraculous experience it is to be NEW.

These tiny babies; with the small fingers, the intoxicating baby scent & their tiny little socks remind us of the possibilities life has to offer. A newborn baby has so much to learn, experience & seek during their lifetime. Those of us who have reached adulthood often forget the joys of learning something brand new. We don't remember what life was like before words, before money, before responsibility. The freedom we once had to start with a clean slate, getting to make choices and form ourselves as human beings is easily forgotten when we are adults.

But babies can remind us that we do still always have choices. We can always make the choice to be new, to look at life through the eyes of a newborn - experiencing everything with curiosity and fun - having high hopes and low expectations. This outlook will help us to find the joy in simple things.

Thanks to the babies for choosing to practice yoga. They leave that new energy and remind us all of the possibilities yet to come.

Go baby, go!

Friday, July 15, 2011

If Nothing Changed, There'd Be No Butterflies!

There's a small plaque in the office with this wonderful phrase on it. The metaphorphosis of the caterpillar into butterfly is such a beautiful, powerful image that many of us can relate to for all kinds of transformation.

When we are in the cocoon, it can be a dark & uncertain place. We are looking inward, working on ourselves - really experiencing change. The caterpillar knows when it's time to create the cocoon, but she has no idea what the final outcome will be. She uses her instinct and trusts in the universe.

Sometimes, we get scared. We know things are changing, but we have no idea what awaits us on the other side of the change. If you are afraid...if things are up in the air...if your world is becoming almost unrecognizable...acknowledge to yourself that you may be in the midst of a transformation.

And then remember the butterfly. It's beautiful colors, expansive wings & breathtaking beauty.

Let yourself work through your transformation, trusting the universe, knowing that soon you will spread your wings and embrace your new self.

Friday, July 8, 2011

reVITALize yourself!

The definition of the word VITAL is, "existing as a manifestation of life".

Those of us on the path of yoga, come to find an awareness and a connection deep within ourselves that becomes a vital part of our lives. Yoga becomes like food or water - something vital to our experience on this earth!

Some of us are away from yoga for a period of time, or we have strayed from our regular practice. Coming back to that practice will bring new life to our bodies, minds & spirits. A revitalization occurs when we connect to the divine that resides within.

Doesn't that sound good? Meet yourself at your mat today, and discover your own neccesity for life - the vital need of a yoga practice.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Go ahead...Do NOTHING!

Work. School. Dating. Exercise. Family.

We all have more things to do than we can actually get done at any given time in our very busy lives. And most of us forget to do one very important thing - Nothing.

Do nothing, otherwise known as relaxation, can be a crucial aspect to our sanity and our health. Rarely do we remember to take the time to just sit, whether it be in a hip opening yoga posture or just in a chair.

Yoga gives us a chance to practice the art of doing nothing. When we practice our asana, physical yoga, we put ourselves in poses that will take us down the path of being present. In the present, we don't have to do anything. We can just be.

As the saying goes, we are human beings...not human doings.

Come on in for a class, or just find a quiet space and take a little time to do nothing. The benefits will be vast and plentiful.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Building Confidence Through Yoga!

Shorts....Tank Tops....Yellow Polka Dot Bikinis....Summertime can leave us feeling less than confident about our physical selves.

Through yoga, we can build our own self confidence. Practicing strength in poses helps us build the confidence we need to find our fullest expression. Rooting our energy, grounding and extending, engaging in muscle energy - these physical aspects can inspire an inner bliss and empowerment.

Finding your confidence comes from within. Having sculpted abs or really tan and buff arms may make your summer wardrobe look good and will make you feel good about your physical self - but feeling a deep sense of true ownership for your life and embracing exactly who, what and where you are in this moment - that is true confidence.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


It is that time again...Summertime!

We celebrated the summer solstice here at the studio on Tuesday with 54 Sun Salutations in Karen's 4:30 class. The students were all incredible with their focus, dedication and perseverance. It was an impressive feat for us all - and was a beautiful way to kick summer into gear. It brought every students attention to their body. Summer is the perfect time to pay attention!

Summertime means bright colors, warm weather, more daylight. People buzz with energy and our bodies crave movement. Yoga is the perfect balance of physical exertion and mental centeredness. It is easy to get distracted and tired by the heat of the season. Yoga helps restore balance and provides mental clarity.

Incredible author and teacher, Christina Sell, talks about paying attention to the body and says, "In the practice of yoga we develop a set of communication skills that deepen our ability to pay attention - to speak, to listen and to respond to the sensations of the body. This practice of communicating with the body and the mind, creating union, or "yoga".

Let's all make the commitment to pay attention to the body this summer. We can do that by enjoying a day at the beach, an evening stroll, a summer concert in the park, an afternoon in the pool, and by practicing yoga. Deepening our commitment to our own personal yoga practice will create the union and make us whole.

Summer gives us opportunities, unending...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What a BEAUTIFUL Challenge!!!!!!

Way to go for all our Jade Apple Yoga Challengers - who committed themselves to yoga-a-day for 30 days!!!

I think I speak for all of us challengers when I say that there were certainly ups, downs and savasanas in between!

Some of us had to change the initial commitment and could not get 30 classes in 30 days in a row - due to injuries or life in general. The challenge enabled some of us to modify the commitment and to stick to taking 30 classes in 40 days or something like that.

One of our challengers, Nathan Anderson, actually went beyond 30 classes and managed to complete 43 classes in just 30 days!!! WAY TO GO, Nathan. (It's interesting to know that Nathan was gearing himself up for a 2 month journey to India for teacher training. We are wishing him all the very best on that journey and hope his 43 classes prepared him!)

Another of our lovely challengers, Keelia, is so inspired by this journey that she has committed to doing 60 classes in 60 days. On some days, she is unable to come in to the studio for her yoga. On those days, she practices on her own.

Sara & Todd joined our challenge about 10 days later than the rest, so they are working their ways to completion now.

Karen completed her 30 days and felt 'at home' in her body with the practice.

As for two of us, Jenny & me, injuries stopped us short of 30 days in a row. Yoga has been a crucially helpful journey on the road to recovery from our ailments (injuries sustained by doing REAL LIFE things without proper alignment!). The humility and courage to admit ones own humanness and to listen to the body when it says it needs a break....this is just as important as anything else on the challenge.

If you have some time, stop by the office. Our yoga challenge tracking sheets are hanging on the wall for people to look at - including the section on "how we felt", which is a 1 word description of the feelings we had after the class on that day.

Congratulations to all of our challengers. It was a beautiful experience for everyone! Way to go Sara and Todd who are getting near 30 and positivity and light to Keelia as she goes for month 2.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


What a fun, delightful evening we had here at The Jade Apple!

We kicked off the holidays with a Yoga Carnival here on December 11th and had a blast. From reiki, facials, massage & tarot readings to belly dancing, acro yoga and live music...the Apple was jumping!

And then there was the absolutely incredible LISIMA - A live Gypsy band - making melodies & fun out back.

For those of you who joined us, and for those who missed it, I'll walk you through the carnival.

The red fabric banners welcomed you into the studio, which was transformed into a beautiful holiday delight thanks to my dad (wonderful designer & drapery man). It was spectacular to see the colors and billowing beauty that flowed throughout our space...both inside and out!

After entering, you had many choices. Signing up for one of the special treatments; reiki, massage, facials & tarot. We had truly extraordinary people providing the services and they were all, in a word, YUMMY.

And then into the studio, with a makeshift stage area that featured a myriad of performances. Jennelah performed a Middle Eastern number (that's ME, using my belly dance name), Gigi & Chelsey gave us wonderful Acro-Yoga demonstrations, Sakuntula performed a stunning classical Indian dance & Danny and Nathan WOW'ed us with their partner yoga skills and cool tricks!

Onto the outdoor patio, it was time for food and libations. Sunpower Cafe provided delectible raw vegan treats for us. Chelsey baked vegan brownies that were simply outta this world and several of our students brought dishes that were wonderful! Warm pear cider and a little vino heated our insides and our lovely Lara donated drinks on behalf of Farmscape.

And then the band started to play. Funky, unique & really lively! Everyone was enjoying the music...and some were dancing. We had a couple of amazing ladies perform with the band, including my gorgeous friend Akasha Starr - belly dancer & yoga teacher.

All in all, it was a magical evening. I was thrilled by how much fun everyone had. If you weren't able to make it, I hope to do something this amazing again.

Yoga Carnival...yeah!!!
